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環軸椎脱臼は,ほとんどが前方脱臼であり回旋性の脱臼はまれである2,6,8).われわれは,環椎破裂骨折(Jef—ferson's fracture)を伴った環軸椎回旋位固定(at—lanto-axial rotatory fixation)の成人例を経験したので,診断および治療上の問題点に関して考察を加えて報告する.
The authors present a case of atlanto-axial rotatory fixation associated with Jefferson's fracture. A 52-year-old man was admitted to our hospital complaining of severe neck pain and torticollis after a traffic accident. Cervical x-ray films showed fracture of the atlas. CT scans demonstrated traumatic subarachnoid hemor-rhage and atlanto-axial rotatory fixation. The patient was managed with skull traction and reposition was achieved. Although he was maintained in a halo device for 4 months, rotary fixation recurred. He underwent posterior fusion between the atlas and axis.
We review the literature and discuss the diagnostic problems and methods of treatment for atlanto-axial rotatory fixation.

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