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Gangliogliomas are common in childhood, but rare in infancy. The authors report a rare case of ganglio-glioma who had an initial episode of complex partial seizure in fnfancy. A two-year-old girl was admitted for the surgical treatment of intractable seizures. She pre-sented with an initial episode of seizure at two months old. The CT scan at 2 months old showed a slight high-density tumor in the left medial temporal lobe. However, she had no treatment because she had no sei-zure since then and her psychomotor development was normal. She was treated with anticonvulsants from 1 year and 10 months old since seizures recurred. She was admitted to our ward at 2 years old because the frequency of seizures increased. Plain CT on admission showed an enlarged high density mass in left medial temporal lobe. The T1 weighted images of MRI de-monstrated the mass to be isointense compared with the cortex, with homogeneously contrast enhancement. Total removal of the tumor was performed and histolo-gical diagnosis was ganglioglioma. She is seizure-free after surgery and synaptophysin was useful for the his-tological diagnosis. This case may indicate that gan-gliogliomas can be a congenital brain tumor which slowly enlarges.

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