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頭蓋内神経鞘腫が聴神経あるいは三叉神経以外を発生母地とすることは珍しい.なかでも滑車神経単独に発生した神経鞘腫は極めて稀である.最近われわれはVon Recklinghausen氏病に合併しない滑車神経鞘腫の2例を経験したので若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.
Two cases of trochlear nerve neurinoma without Recklinghausen's disease are described. A 60-year-old male had a left-side sensory disturbance and a hemi-paresis. Computed tomography (CT) scan and magne-tic resonance image (MRI) showed a cystic enhancing mass in the right tentorial incisura. A 57-year-old male had a gait disturbance and a left-side facial numbness. CT scan and MRI showed a solitary enhancing mass in the right tentorial incisura. These tumors were subto-tally removed, and the intraoperative diagnosis of two patients was trochlear nerve neurinoma. Unique clinical manifestations of trochlear nerve neurinoma are discus-sed with a brief review of 11 cases reported in the liter-ature.

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