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Secondary empty sellaは手術後または放射線療法後のものが多いが,下垂体卒中によるとの報告も見られる3,24).また,トルコ鞍内に陥入するのは,大多数でくも膜下腔であるが,時に第三脳室も陥入する1,18,19,21).われわれは,prolactinomaの鞍内変性壊死部に第三脳室が陥入してempty sellaを形成した症例を経験したので,その形態・発生機序・治療について検討した.
A case of a large empty sella was reported, which was intrasellar herniation of the third ventricle associ-ated with a prolactinoma. The patient was a 46-year-old female admitted due to consciousness disturbance with pyrexia and vomiting. She had amenorrhea, galactor-rhea and sterility in her past history. On admission, physical and neurological examinations revealed severe dehydration, systemic edema, systemic hypotension, nuchal rigidity, papilloedema and goiter. A spinal tap was performed and revealed an increase in CSF pres-sure. Laboratory data indicated CSF lymphocytosis, an increase in CSF protein content, high titers of serum microsome test, a low concentration of anterior pituit-ary hormones in serum except for PRL, and an un-usually high concentration of PRL in serum and CSF (4680 and 222ng/ml, respectively). Plain films of the skull showed destructive enlargement of the sella turci-ca. The patient was diagnosed as having non-bacterial meningitis, chronic thyroiditis and a prolactinoma with hypopituitarism and was then admitted to our depart-ment. Except for amenorrhea she was asymptomatic under the administration of levothyroxine, hydrocorti-sone and bromocriptin. CT scan, MRI, pneumoencepha-lography and CT cisternography as further examina-tions disclosed the intrasellar herniation of cisterns and the third ventricle, which were surrounded by an in-trasellar parenchymal layer. This layer was thought to be still viable prolactinoma tissue. We supposed the third ventricle entered the enlarged sellar cavity follow-ing the spontaneous degeneration of the large prolacti-noma. Although we could find some documented re-ports of similar cases, the complete herniation of the third ventricle secondary to degeneration of an adeno-ma might be rare. Conservative treatment by bromo-criptin was chosen, because we thought surgical treat-ment, even a transsphenoidal operation, would have no advantages over conservative methods. A determination of operative indication requires careful consideration in a case of such complicated structure as this patient.
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