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脳腫瘍を含む頭蓋内病変に対する定位的生検術(stereotactic biopsy)は,局所麻酔下で行うことが可能であり,患者への負担は小さく,比較的安全で簡便な手技であると考えられている.従来,定位的生検術は,レクセル型や駒井式CT定位脳手術装置9)を用いたCT誘導下定位的生検術が主流であったが,術前のMRI画像を利用して手術計画を行うニューロナビゲーションシステムの登場により,手術時間の短縮が可能となった10).
BACKGROUND:Stereotactic brain biopsy using a navigation system is minimally invasive because it can be performed under local anesthesia. However, there are problems due to the localization and accessibility of the tumor and instability of the airway under sedation. This study aimed to examine the differences in safety and surgical time between the supine and lateral position.
METHODS:This study included 25 cases which underwent navigation-guided brain biopsies from May 2015 to March 2018 in the Kanazawa University Hospital. We compared tumor localization, operation time, standby time, intraoperative difficulties, and final diagnosis acquisition rates between the supine and lateral positions. Puncture sites were then examined by visualizing all biopsy trajectories simultaneously on a three-dimensional cerebral template.
RESULTS:Biopsies of the tumor in all cerebrum lobes were possible in the lateral position. There were no significant differences in operating time or standby time between the supine and lateral positions. One case in the spine position required sedation by an anesthesiologist due to body movement, but there were no difficulties in any cases of lateral positioning. The final diagnosis acquisition rate was 100% in all cases. In the lateral position, stable breathing was maintained because the head and the trunk axes remined in the same line.
CONCLUSION:Stereotactic brain biopsy in the lateral position can be safer and more useful than in the supine position under local anesthesia.

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