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脳膿瘍はCTスキャン上ring enhancementを示し,悪性神経膠芽腫,転移性脳腫瘍などの脳腫瘍や,脳血管障害との鑑別が重要である.そして,ring enhancement内に高吸収域を認めた場合は,まず腫瘍内出血を考えるのが妥当と思われる.今回われわれは臨床経過に炎症を思わせる所見が少なく,出血傾向も認められなかったため,腫瘍内出血との鑑別が困難であった脳膿瘍内出血の1例を経験した.このような症例1)は極めて稀であるので,腫瘍内出血との鑑別点,および出血の機序につき若干の考察を加え報告する.
A rare case of hemorrhage into a brain abscess in a 23-year-old man is reported.
The patient complained of headache and low-grade fever on February 26, 1986. Two days later, he de-veloped right hemiparesis and right hemisensory dis-turbance with mild consciousness disturbance and was admitted to a local hospital. Seven days after the onset, he suddenly became semicomatose, developed anisocor-is and was consequently transferred to the University Hospital.
On admission, his temperature was 37.5℃ and neuro-logical examination revealed semicoma, anisocoria and right hemiparesis without nuchal rigidity.

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