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片頭痛の病態生理はなお明らかに解明されてはいないが,現在のところ頭蓋内外の血管異常反応性が関与していると考えられている2,7,8,13,18,27,33,34).そのなかには一過性の脳虚血症状としての片麻痺を伴う"hemiplegic migraine"などの報告3,4,6,31)もあるが,脳血管撮影にて実際,脳血管の病変がとらえられることは稀であった3,4,24,28).
The pathogenesis of migraine has not been completely understood. However, it is generally accepted that the prodromal symptoms encountered in classic migraine usually result from vasoconstriction of intracranial vessels, while the headache itself results from dilation of other cranial vessels, often branches of the external carotid artery. Despite of increasing refinement in angiographic technique, many authors demonstrate the difficulty of interpreting abnormal radiographic findings in patients of migraine.
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