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聴性脳幹反応(BAER)およびGlasg(Glasgow Coma Scale(G.C.S.)scoreを指標に急性期重症脳障害患者の予後判定を試みた.
Patients with various neurologicaldisease resulting in severe brain damage andhaving Glasgow Coma Scale (G.C.S.) score ofless than ten (mean 5.6) were studied withbrainstem auditory evoked response (BAER)during the first few days of onset. Amongthem were subarachnoid hemorrhage, head in-jury, intracerebral hemorrhage, pontine hemor-rhage, intraventricular hemorrhage and bleedingtumor. BAERs were graded into four levelsfrom one (normal) to four (most abnormal).Outcomes were categorized through the Glas-gow Outcome Scale. Comparison of the resultsbetween BAER and G.C.S. as predictors of out-come was quite similar.

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