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われわれは,甲状腺腫瘍摘出後,前頸部に約5,000radのX線照射後,25年後に照射野に含まれる両側総頸動脈に狭窄をきたした1症例を経験した.この稀な1症例を報告するとともに,文献的考察より"radiation inducedarterial injury"の疾患概念を明らかにする.
A case of radiation-induced bilateral common carotid artery stenosis is reported. This 60 years old housewife was hospitalized in 1982 because of sudden onset of mild left hemiparesis. Twenty-five years ago, she underwent radiation therapy of approximately 5,000 rads to the anterior cervical region because of thyroid cancer. Angiograms in 1982 revealed bilateral common carotid artery stenosis, especially in the right common carotid artery, the legion of which were included within the field of radiation performed in 1952. Right thromboendarterectomy was performed in 1983.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.