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組織型の不明な脳腫瘍を既往歴にもつ患者が4年後に巨大脊椎管内teratocarcinomaとして発症した臨床例を経験した.脳腫瘍の放射線感受性やalpha-fetoprotein(AFP),human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG)などの検索を考慮に入れ,本例の転移性脊髄腫瘍としての可能性を文献的に考察した.また本例はspinal arachnoid cystを合併していたが,その発生機序についても考察した.
The authors report a 11-year-old girl with a huge intraspinal malignant teratoma associated with spinal arachnoid cyst. At seven year of age, suprasellar tu-mor was diagnosed and the patient received radiation therapy for tumor bed with total dose of 4,225 rads. As the result, marked decrease of the size of tumor was seen by follow-up CT scan. Serum alphafetoprotein (AFP) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) level were at 51ng/ml and 31IU/l when total dose of 2,000 rads were over, and they decreased to 3ng/ml and 6.6IU/l at the dose of 4,225 rads respectively. The histology of the suprasellar tumor was unverified.
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