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alveolar soft-part sarcomaはChristophersonら1)により,その組織学的特徴をとらえられ,はじめて記載されたものである.しかしその組織発生についてはいまだ不明である.最近われわれは右下腿に発生したalveolar soft-part sarcoma摘出後,肺,脳,更に脳へと3度にわたる転移をみたが,いずれも全摘出し軽快をみた1例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.
A 37-year-old housewife who had episodes of surgical removal for an alveolar soft-part sarcoma of her right leg 15 years ago, and total removal for right lung metastasis 2 years ago, was admitted to our service with complaints of headache, vomiting, dyscalculia and recent memory distrubance which started about 4 months prior to admission. Neurological examination revealed papilledema and disorientation. Left carotid angiography and CT scan showed a ball-like vascular tumor in the left frontal lobe. Presumptive diagnosis of metastatic brain tumor in the left frontal lobe was made in our service.

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