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Mesenchymal chondrosarcomaは稀な腫瘍で,1959年Lichtenstein & Bernstein7)がchondrosarcomaの1つのvariantとして報告以来,現在までに約80例が報告されているが2,3,7,14),このうち骨由来のものが最も多く50例,軟部組織由来のもの30例4,5)で,中枢神経系が関与した症例は更に珍しい.
われわれは,硬膜に発生し,頭蓋内に発育したmesenchymal chondrosarcomaで,3回の摘出術により18年間生存した,極めて稀な症例を報告するとともに,現在までに報告された症例の文献的検索を行い,本症の臨床および病理学的検討を行ったので報告する.
We report a case of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma which was arising from the dura mater of parietal region and simulating a space taking intracranial lesion. The patient was an eleven-year-old girl at the first operation and survived two successive recurrences during eighteen years. She had convulsive seizures and weakness of her right lower extremity six months prior to the first admission to Department of Neurosurgery, Kyoto University on March 14, 1961. On admission, she showed signs of mild intracranial hypertension and right hemiparesis. Plain craniograms revealed irregular-shaped calcification in the left parietal region.
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