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動脈硬化が原因で発生する脳動脈瘤(以下,動脈硬化性脳動脈瘤sclerotic cerebral aneurysmと称する)には脳底動脈等の主幹動脈自体が紡錘形に拡張して形成されるもの(fusiform aneurysm)と,形態的には嚢状を呈するが動脈分岐部とは関係なくかつ親動脈と共に動脈瘤自体も著明な動脈硬化に陥っているものがある2).後者の型の場合は外科的治療の対象となる.そこで自験例をもとに動脈硬化性脳動脈瘤の症状,診断,治療および予後を中心に臨床的面から検討した.
Clinical features, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis of sclerotic cerebral aneurysms are reported, with emphasis on surgical treatment.
Pathologically, cerebral aneurysms of sclerotic origin are mainly classified two types: fusiform type and sac-cular type. In our clinic, of 1,116 cases of cerebral an-eurysms, 11 cases of sclerotic cerebral aneurysms were experienced. Ten cases had single aneurysms and one multiple case had three. Of the total 13 aneurysms, 2 were classified as fusiform and the other 11 as saccular which were unrelated to the arterial forks.

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