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後天性血友病は血液凝固障害を主徴とする稀な疾患であり,その頻度は人口100万人あたり約1~4人とされている2-4).主として第Ⅷ因子に対する自己抗体の出現が原因となり,その結果血液凝固因子が減少して重篤な出血傾向を生じるものである.しばしば基礎疾患が随伴することが知られており,関節リウマチなどの自己免疫疾患,皮膚疾患,分娩後,がん,抗生物質投与後などが知られている.遺伝性血友病と同様ですべての人種で生じ,世界中で認められている疾患であるが,後天性血友病と診断されない,もしくは播種性血管内凝固症候群(DIC:disseminated intravascular coagulation)など他の後天性出血障害と誤診される例が少なくない.
We report a rare case of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in a man who acquired factor Ⅷ inhibitor and suffered coagulopathy a month after disease onset. Acquired factor Ⅷ inhibitors in patients without hemophilia is a rare disease characterized by severe bleeding as a result of antibody against factor Ⅷ. A 61-year-old male, who had a past history of hypertension, underwent resection for colon cancer at the local hospital. Ten days after surgery he suffered septic shock that required intensive use of antibiotics. Two days after this episode, he had a sudden loss-of-consciousness attack, and was referred to our hospital with the diagnosis of SAH. Emergency angiography revealed a dissecting aneurysm at the right intracranial vertebral artery distal to the origin of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. The aneurysm was successfully treated with endovascular parent artery occlusion. However, after a placing ventriculo-peritoneal shunt a month later, he developed severe coagulopathy due to acquired factor Ⅷ inhibitor.

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