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くも膜下出血(subarachnoid hemorrhage:SAH)患者における脳動脈瘤の再破裂は,状態悪化とともに予後不良へと導く重篤な事態である.再破裂時期に関しては種々の報告があるが,一般的には初回発症から6時間以内が最も再破裂を来しやすいと言われており5,14,15),その間の厳重な急性期管理が要求され,現在では一定のconsensusが得られている.再破裂をいかに予防し脳卒中専門医のいる病院へ搬送するかは重要で,通常SAH患者は救急車にて搬送されてくる.一方,離島発症のSAH患者の場合,その搬送は通常ヘリコプター(ヘリ)が主体である.しかしながら,報告例2,3,7,11)が極めて少ないこともあり,SAH発症後の最も安全かつ有効なヘリ搬送のタイミングに関しては定まった見解はない.われわれも搬送中の再破裂を極力回避するため発症後間もない症例などは暗黙的に6時間経過した後に搬送する傾向があったが,これらの適否について再検証を行い,長年離島医療支援を担ってきた経験をもとに現状での問題点を踏まえ報告する.
Cerebral aneurysm re-rupture following subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH)is a serious problem that is related with poor outcome. It is generally said that re-rupture occurs within 6 hours of the initial SAH;in the acute stage, strict management is needed even in the period before hospitalization. The aim of this study was to confirm whether patients on isolated islands should be transferred by helicopter > 6 hours after the initial SAH. Here we reviewed 125 cases of SAH in the isolated islands of Nagasaki prefecture between January 2007 and December 2012 who were transferred to Nagasaki Medical Center by helicopter as a result of consultation via TeleStroke(41 men, 84 women;mean age, 65.76 years). Re-rupture was observed in seven patients(5.6%), five of whom were diagnosed with re-rupture in a prior hospital on the isolated island. No patients demonstrated clinical deterioration during transport.
Early helicopter transportation under adequate sedation and control of blood pressure within 6 hours is safe, and patients should be transferred as quickly as possible during the day. On the other hand, at night, flight safety must first be considered. Patients in stable clinical condition may be transferred the next day. We should pay special attention to patients with SAH and intracerebral hemorrhage, severe SAH, or vertebral artery dissecting aneurysm because their condition may gradually become more serious even if initially stable.

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