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近年,慢性硬膜下血腫の原因として特発性低髄液圧症候群(spontaneous intracranial hypotension:SIH)の存在が報告されている16,18,21).SIHの本態は脊髄硬膜管からの髄液漏出であり,髄液量が減少し頭蓋内圧が低下するため,頭蓋内静脈の拡張,硬膜の肥厚,さらに硬膜下水腫を生じ,やがてそれが硬膜下血腫に変化するものと考えられるが,その詳細な機序は不明である.しかしながらSIHが存在していると常に硬膜下腔に陰圧が加わり,血腫が容易に再発する危険性を有し,その存在に気がつかないと,いたずらに手術を繰り返すことになりかねない.
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is reported to cause chronic subdural hematoma (SDH), however diagnosis of SIH in patients with SDH is not always easy. We report a case of chronic SDH refractory to repeated drainage, which was attributed to SIH. A forty-five-year-old man who had been suffering from orthostatic headache for one month was admitted to our hospital presenting with unconsciousness and hemiparesis. CT on admission revealed a chronic subdural hematoma, which was successfully treated once with subdural drainage. However, the patient fell into unconscious again with recurrence of the hematoma within several days. After two more sessions of drainage, SIH due to cerebrospinal fluid leakage was diagnosed with spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and radionuclide cisternography. Spinal MRI demonstrated abnormal fluid accumulation in the thoracic epidural space, and the radionuclide cisternogram showed early excretion of tracer into urine as well as absence of intracranial tracer filling. After treatment with epidural blood patching, the hematoma rapidly disappeared and he was discharged without symptoms. In the treatment of chronic SDH, especially in young to middle aged patient without preceding trauma or hematological disorders, physicians should pay attention to underlying SIH to avoid multiple surgery. MRI of the spine as well as radionuclide cisternography is useful in evaluation of this condition.

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