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脳の蛋白質代謝の研究は,脳の機能生化学の中でも特に未開拓の分野であり,その研究方法も,脳組織での特有な細胞及び線維構造と,部位による化学的組成の変動等から,極めて困難な問題を提示しているが,最近Richter等1)2)3)はS35-methionineを用いた実験から,in vivoに於ける脳蛋白の交替度をしらべ,脳も又蛋白代謝活性の極めて高い事を見出しており,我々も4)5)6)C14-glycineを用いて,脳及び肝切片に於ける蛋白質への転入をしらべ,脳肝共にほぼ同程度である事から,脳における蛋白代謝活性の高い事を実証して来たが,著者は更に意識障害の生化単的研究の一環として,脳組織の蛋白質代謝に及ぼす麻酔剤の影響を中心として,in vitro及びin vivoで一連の実験を行つて来たが,更に賦活剤の影響にもいささかの知見を得たので,ここにとりまとめて発表する。
A) The guinea-pig brain slices is incubtedwith 2-C14-glycine in the Krebs-Ringer phosphatemedium or modified Mcllwain's medium containing glucose as substrate and the effects of variousdrugs on the rate of the incorporation of C14-glycine in the proteins are observed.
1) When thiopental or chlorpromazine is addedinto the medium, oxygen uptake of the brainslices is reduced and the incorporation of C14-glycine into the brain proteins is also inhibited significantly according to the concentrationsof the drugs.
2) The creatine phosphate content of the brainslices incubated with thiopental or chlorpromazine is also decreased remarkably.
3) When megimide is added into the medium, oxygen uptake of the brain slices and the incorporation of C14-glycine into the brain proteinare enhanced slightly at the concentrations of3×10-4 and 6×10-4 and the creatine phospatecontent of the brain slices is also increased by30%.
4) The above results with the brain slices are. compared with those with the liver slices andthe difference of the two tissues in the sensitivity to the drugs are discussed.
B) The specific activity of the proteins and ofacid soluble fractions is estimated 2 h. after theintracisternal and intraperitoneal injection of 2-C14-glycine, and the relative specific activity ofthe proteins was determined.
1) A group of five rabbits anesthetized with intraperitoneal injection of 60 mg/kg thiopentalshows relatively low specific activities in thebrain and liver protein fractions.
2) Similar results are obtained in a group of fiverabbits to which 30mg/kg chlorpromazine isinjected intraperitoneally.
3) A group of five rabbits to which 30mg/kgmegimide is injected intraperitoneally shows nosignificant change in the relative specific activityof both the brain and liver protein fractions.

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