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従来,わが国で最も広く用いられてきたMyodilは1959年以来長い間最良の造影剤として日常診療に使用されてきたが欠点としてroot sleeveやdural tubeの中のdetailがわからず,また造影剤の抜去を前提とするため検査針を入れたまま検査せねばならぬことが多く大変不便であった。また造影剤の吸収が遅いこともあってしばしば癒着性脊髄炎との関連が論議されてきた(吉田49),Mason20),Mayher21))。
All the cases who underwent myelography with non-ionic water soluble contrast media, Metri-zamide, at the Chiba University Hospital during the period of 1976 and 1981 have been reviewed to assess the side-effects. There were 314 exami-nations and a summary and conclusions were as follows:
1) 70% of examinations were performed in the cervical and thoracic regions. In earlier cases of this series, three epileptic seizures occurred. One of them was known epileptics. However, in these five years major side-effects have not been observed.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.