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一つの例をとれば,錐体路症状pyramidal signが臨床的に定義,定着されてゆくとともに,並行してその基礎となる錐体路pyramidal tract,さらに皮質脊髄路corticospinal tract,錐体路運動細胞Betz cellといった形態学的基盤substrateが明らかにされてきた。不随意運動症状と対応する大脳基底核群における病変部位,また小脳性運動失調,筋の緊張低下hypotoniaの症状と,小脳についての基礎的知識の確立もまた錐体路におけるほど密接ではないが,その一つの例であろう。
Abnormality in muscle tone has been known well to cause disturbances of motility, as rigidity for parkinsonian patients or cerebellar hypotonia for ataxic patients. However, it seems the ab-normal tone may act on motility in several different ways and the author tried to analyze some of these.
1) Existence of rigidity in extremity muscles may disturb the reciprocal innervation of the antagonistic muscles (Fig. 1).
2) Existence of rigidity may manifest itself as postural abnormality such as intrinsic plus fingers, semiflexed elbow or knee or forebent posture in parkinsonism.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.