

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Clinical Observations of the Postvaccinal Paralysis caused by Antirabies Vaccines Sugito Ohtani 1 1Clinical Department of the Institute for Infectious Diseases Tokyo University pp.141-154
Published Date 1959/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431901727
  • Abstract
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Antirabies vaccines including live and inacti-vated vaccines were given on 14, 388 victimsduring the years of 1948~1957 at the Hospitalof Institute for Infectious Diseases in Tokyo. Clinical pictures of the postvaccinal neuropa-ralytic accidents were summerized and discussionon the differences between the early and delayedtypes.

The followings are the results of clinical ob-servations:

1) The clinical pictures of the postvaccinl pa-ralysis caused by live vaccines were consistedof two types of symptome complexes. One ofthem resembled to para-infectious encephalo-myelitis and the other to acute multiple sclerosis.The former has a short latent period and thelatter has a long one.

2) The clinical pictures of the postvaccinalparalysis caused by inactivated vaccines werealso consisted of these two types, but there wererarely found the cases of delayed type. Particu-larly, the cases caused by intradermal injectionsof inactivated vaccines are all acute encephalomy-elitis form.

3) The rate of incidence of postvaccinal paralysis was influenced by age of vaccinated persons,method and possibly volume of nervous tissuecontained in inoculum.

After precise analysis of the clinical pictures,the author cames to the speculation that the post-vaccinal paralysis, in other word, postvaccinalencephalomyelitis occurred on the vaccinatedcases, cannot be explained completely by a sin-gle factor.

This can be explained by the concept thatthese occurred two independent pathologic me-chanisms through the vaccination.

Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


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