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Both clinically and pathomorphologically, dis-orders shown by cases who had suffered fromthe so-called Economo-encephalitis have somespecialities. As was reported in previous papers,observing 30 clinical cases and examining 15dissected cases among the above 30 cases, theauthor have obtained following findings:
1) Characteristic deviations of the character,delusions, hallucinations, obsessive-compulsivesymptoms and special neuropsychic attacks aremain psychiatric features. Neurologically, insevere cases Parkinsonism, and in slight casesstiffness of expressions of face and of bodilyfigure are characteristic.
2) Pathomorphologically, common to all casesand at the same time very severe changes aredisappearance of cells of the substantia nigra.Many of ascending and descending fibers start-ing from the substantia nigra are degeneratedand can nos be observed (Bielschowsky stain).
3) From clinico-pathomorphological examina-tions it was concluded that the above-mentionedmental symptoms are due to the lesion of thesubstantia nigra.
The present paper aims to describe above-mentioned facts concretely and in detail in spe-cial reference to four cases.
Case I (♀) had suffered from encephalitis atthe age of 2, and died at 27. She did not showParkinsonism and was diagnosed as psychopath.She was impulsive and had no self-restraint, herbehavior was like an infant or animals. Thesesymptoms were progressive, and at the end-stage delusions and hallucinations appeared, also.Pathomorphological examinations showed severeand progressive lesions of the substantia nigrasuch as disppearancc of cells neurofibrillarychanges (Alzheimer), proliferation of glia cellsand fibers and neuronophagia. Other parts ofthe brain did not show remarkablechanges.
In case II (♂), Parkinsonism and mental symp-toms progressed hand in hand, repeating ex-acerbations. Pathomorphologically, severe lesionswere shown in the substantia nigra.
In case III (♂), special neuropsychic attackswere very characteristic, and in this connectioncase III was a little particular. The main featureof the attack is motor excitement, and at thetime was remarked parallel exacerbation of bothmental symptoms and Parkinsonism. Mainlesions were in the substantia nigra and wereactive.
Case IV (♂) showed all the above-mentionedmental symptoms and remarkable Parkinshnism.Pathomorphologically, lesions were shown fromthe cerebrum to the spinal cord, and disappearan-ce of cells and neurofibrillary changes (Alzhei-mer) were observed. So case IV is exceptionalfrom the pthomorphological point of view, butseverest lesionas were located in the substantianigra.

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