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There is a rough parallelism between theseverity of parkinsonism and the degree of theloss of nerve cells in the substantia nigra. Theloss of cells in the dorso-lateral part of thesubstantia nigra has mush to do with the mani-festation of parkinsonism. The disturbance oflight reflex of the pupil is due to the loss ofcells in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus.
The lesion of the substantia nigra is consideredto be a necessary condition for the appearanceof mental disturbances. This point of view issubstantiated by the following findings.
(1) Parkinsonism and psychiatric symptomsare clinically very closely related. (2) Thesubstantia nigra is the only place where histo-pathological change was observed in all ourcases. (3) The histopathological change of thesubstantia nigra is very severe.(4) Thesubstantia nigra is large enough, if it was damaged, to explain the clinical symptoms, which were observed in all our cases. ( 5 ) The histopathologica] changes of the substantia nigra in the cases which showed marked clinical changes at the time of death were progressive, while those in the cases which showed a station-ary state for a long period before death were not progressive. ( 6) The characteristic mental state of the post-encephalitic stage was observed also in the following cases; paralysis agitans, Japanese encephalitis, a group of cases which is conventionally diagnosed as "psychopath", infants and animals. In such cases it was confirmed that the disturbance or under-development of the substantia nigra was present. (7) Among many old preparations, which were not classifi-ed, two cases were found to have marked pat-hological change in the substantia nigra. Then the psychiatric pictures of those two cases were reviewed, which corresponded to that of our post-encephalitic cases. (8) Psychic symptoms shown by cases who have explicit lesions of the frontal and temporal lobes but have no changes of the substantia nigra, are quite different from those shown by cases who have suffered the epidemic encephalitis.

Copyright © 1958, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.