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The author presented 22 cases of epileptic chi-ldren whose attacks were accompanied by abnor-mal laughter or smile expression. The epilepticnature of laughter was suspected by the follow-ing reasons.
(1) Its onset was abrupt and involuntary,and frequently accompanied by convulsive seizu-res.
(2) The patient was unconscious and amne-stic about his laughter spells.
(3) The anticonvulsants might be effectivefor the control of laughter as well as convulsiveseizures.
The clinical type of epilepsies which was fre-quently accompanied by laughter was the massivemyoclonic seizure of infancy (68%).
The extensive review of literature revealedthat the hypothalamus, especially the posteriorpart of it, is important for the production andcontrol of laughter movement. But in some ca-ses, the focal lesions were found in the pons,crus cerebri, capsula interna, temporal or frontalcortex, and especially the rhinencephalon.

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