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The cerebro-spinal fluid seems to have made a come-back as a theme of study by many re-searchers, but its specific gravity seems to ha-ve raised little question and to be outside the scope of any scientific discussion. There have appeared almost no book containing more th-an a very cursory note on its gravity. Such a neglect of the question may be attributed pa-rtly to the lack of uniformity in the values proposed as the normal specific gravity of the liquor by different authors. In consideration of such a paucity of data at present, the author of this paper was impressed by the necessity of conducting anew a precise measurement of the specific gravity of the liquor, under the conviction that an improved method of mea-surement may possibly arouse interest in the problem, finally leading to a reapraisal of the significance of the specific gravity.
Thus, I have made an investigation on the subject, applying the new precise method cal-led the N-N (NAKAZAWA-NAKAI's) dilution method, and found that the normal specific gravity of liquor is free of aberration to the extent as might be deemed mysteriously con-stant, an excess over the normal, ever so little, being indicative of a pathological state. Some cases of disease were discussed from this view-point. I earnestly hope that a new page would be turned in the field of its study, based on experiments, and the method would become an important instrument in clinical diagnoses and treatment.
This N-N dilution method requires only a small volume of the liquid of which the spe-cific gravity is to be measured, and is capable of higher precision in measurement than the h:ther to available methods. Thus, we can de-tect minute changes in the specific gravity of the liquor by this method. A very wide vari-ety of liquids may be measured by this me-thod, and of the vital humors the cerebro-spinal fluid is one of the fluids most suscepti-ble to this method.
The method is described in this paper with its application in measuring the specific gra-vity of the liquor as the main point, and a wo-rd has been inserted on the N-N dilution hydr-ometer devised for the purpose.

Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.