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Pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells established from normal mouse embryos provide promising experimental system to analyze the function of genes underlying the development of mammals and produce model animals for the hereditary human disease.
ES cells continue to grow as undifferentiated stem cells so far as they are cultured on feeder cells of mitomycin C treated STO fibroblasts. Altering the growth environment of the cell, for example, culti-vating the cell in suspension on bacteriological petri dishes or transplanting the cell into an adult syngeneic mouse subcutaneously forces the cell to differentiate into a variety of cell types in vitro or in vivo. When the ES cells are microinjected into host blastocysts and subsequently incubated in a foster mother, they fully exhibit their developmental potency and differentiate into virtually all cell types in adult chimeras, and in some individuals they form functional gametes. This remarkable feature of ES cells allow them to serve as vehicles for manipulating mouse genomes: ES cells are subjected to intro-duction of a cloned gene in vitro, and then successfully mutated ES cells are selected, and finally chimeric mice are produced using the transformed cells.
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