

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Cognitive processes in the frontal lobe:the“inter-and intra-brain operating system”hypothesis for prefrontal cortical functions Toshiyuki Sawaguchi 1 1Laboratory of Cognitive Neurobiology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine Keyword: 前頭前皮質 , prefrontal cortex , ワーキングメモリ , working memory , 脳間・脳内操作系 , inter-and intra-brain operating system , 自我 , self pp.512-526
Published Date 2005/8/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431100068
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The prefrontal cortex(PFC), a neocortical area in the frontal lobe, has been implicated in working memory. Recent studies in non-human primates for working memory processes have revealed that the “working memory system” in the PFC contains at least the following six processes:1)information-selection, 2)retention and operation of selected information(“working memory” in the narrow sense), 3)generation of goal-directed information, 4)output of control-information on other brain regions, 5)retrospective monitoring of control-outcome, and 6)generation of prospective memory based on the retrospective monitoring. The conventional “working memory system” concept has limitations for explaining/integrating these dynamic processes in the PFC. Rather, the concept of “operating system(OS)” may be better than the conventional concept of working memory(or “executive”)for explaining/integrating these processes in the PFC. This OS can be termed the “intra-brain OS” that that operates various systems in the subjective(own)brain. Further, considering several lines of studies in humans and monkeys, the PFC may contain also an “inter-brain OS” that operates neural systems in objective brains;i.e., the “objective brain-reading” and “objective brain-controlling”. The “Theory of Mind(ToM)” and lying, which are known to be mediated by the PFC, are typical functions of the inter-brain OS(objective brain-reading and objective brain-controlling, respectively). Thus, the PFC appears to consist of two relevant systems;intra-brain OS that operates various systems in the subjective brain and inter-brain OS that operates neural systems in objective brains. The central role of intra-and inter-brain OS is to operate subjective and objective brains, thereby operating subjective and objective behaviors/minds. In addition, the intra-and inter-brain OS would be central functions of “self(ego)” for integrating various systems of the own brain and for interacting others adequately. The present intra-and inter-brain OS concept would be valid for understanding the nature/principle of primate brain and may lead further studies of neural mechanisms and evolutionary/ontogeny processes of central functions, such as self(ego)and social ability, mediated by the “highest” cortical region, PFC.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


