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相貌の認識は,全体処理(configural processing)と分析的処理(analytic processing)の機構に基づくとされている。全体処理にはコア領域と拡張システムの2つが重要な役割を果たすとするHaxbyモデルがある。本論ではまず,このHaxbyモデルに基づき全体処理を解析した。電気生理学的検討,機能的神経画像の先行研究に加え既報例,自験例を詳細に検討した。拡張システムは現在考えられているより広範囲に分布することが示唆され,新たなモデルを提唱した。
Facial perception relies on both configural processing and analytical processing. Seventeen years ago, Haxby and colleagues proposed an influential neural model in which a core system and an extended system were involved in facial processing. Herein, first analyze configural processing on the basis of the Haxby model. We review previous findings from published electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies, and describe previously reported clinical cases, and finally we discuss our own clinical cases an findings. Based on this work we have sketched out a new framework for facial perception suggesting that suggests that the extended system includes more widely distributed regions than originally expected.

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