

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Case of Acute Limbic Encephalitis with Sjögren's Syndrome Hiroyuki Shinmura 1,2 , Takamura Nagasaka 1 , Mai Tsuchiya 1 , Akiko Onohara 1 , Ryusuke Takaki 1 , Yoshihisa Takiyama 1 1Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Yamanashi 2Department of Neurology, Kofu Kyoritsu Hospital Keyword: 辺縁系脳炎 , シェーグレン症候群 , 抗SS-A抗体 , 側頭葉 , limbic encephalitis , Sjögren's syndrome , anti-SS-A antibody , medial temporal lobes pp.567-571
Published Date 2016/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1416200439
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A 52-year-old woman developed abnormal behavior and disturbance of consciousness subsequent to several days with a cold. On admission, she was very confused, with incoherent speech, and an inability to recognize family faces. Diffusion weighted MRI showed high intensity signal change in the bilateral medial temporal lobes, including the hippocampus. Cerebrospinal fluid examination was normal. Tests including various viral antibody titers provided no evidence of infection. Several neuronal antibodies including anti-VGKC and -NMDA receptor antibody were absent. Evidence of malignancy was not apparent. She was diagnosed with acute limbic encephalitis complicated by Sjögren's syndrome (SjS), due to the fact that she had a past history of SjS, elevation of anti-SS-A antibody, pleuritis and pericarditis. Her symptoms gradually improved after administration of steroids including pulse therapy; however, her amnesia remained for a long time. In diagnosing acute limbic encephalitis, we should consider SjS as an underlying disease, even though it is rare.

(Received September 8, 2015; Accepted October 22, 2015; Published May 1, 2016)

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電子版ISSN 1344-8129 印刷版ISSN 1881-6096 医学書院


