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脳構造の体積測定は精神・神経疾患の早期診断や鑑別診断,および進行度評価に必須となっている。VSRAD®は,三次元のMRI T1強調画像を灰白質,白質に分画し,解剖学的標準化を行いさらに平滑化を行った後に正常データベースと比較することにより個々の症例での灰白質および白質体積を統計学的に評価し,Zスコアを表示する自動解析ソフトウェアである。
Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) using structural brain MRI has been widely used for the early and differential diagnosis and evaluation of disease progression in neuropsychiatric diseases. VBM of MRI data comprises segmentation into gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid partitions; anatomical standardization of all the images to the same stereotactic space using linear affine transformation and further non-linear warping and smoothing; and finally performing statistical analysis. Stand-alone VBM software using SPM8 plus DARTEL running on Windows (Voxel-based Specific Regional analysis system for Alzheimer's disease, VSRAD®) has been developed as an adjunct to the clinical assessment. This software provides a Z-score map as a result of the comparison of the patient's MRI with a normal database.

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