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悪性脳腫瘍を代表する神経膠腫(glioma),特に最も悪性度の高い(WHO分類のgrade Ⅳ)神経膠芽腫(glioblastoma)は,手術・放射線治療(radiation therapy:RT)・化学療法による集学的治療を行っても依然予後不良で,最終的に腫瘍死を免れがたい。現在,膠芽腫に対する標準治療薬は,血液脳関門の透過性に優れたアルキル化剤であるテモゾロミド(temozolomide:TMZ)である。その根拠は,2005年に欧州のEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC)とカナダのNational Cancer Institute of Canada(NCIC)が共同で施行した第Ⅲ相ランダム化比較試験において,RT単独に比し,TMZ併用療法群で有意に生存期間の延長が認められた報告による1)。しかし,このRT併用TMZ療法およびその後の維持単独TMZ療法によっても,膠芽腫の生存期間中央値(median survival time:MST)は14.6カ月に過ぎず1,2),TMZに対する耐性機序の解明とその対策が予後改善に向けての重要な課題と考えられている3)。
Over the last decade,significant progress has been made in understanding glioma on a molecular level. However,optimal incorporation of molecular markers into clinical care is still controversial. Here,the potential utility of genetic alterations found in gliomas in refining histological diagnosis,prognosis,and predictive values for treatment selection is reviewed. Among all,O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation,1p/19q codeletion,and isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) mutations have been identified as favorable prognostic markers. MGMT promoter methylation is the only potential predictive marker for response to temozolomide and alkylating agents in glioblastoma (GBM),but it is not of assistance in diagnostics. IDH1 mutations and 1p/19q codeletion are also useful for classifying and grading gliomas,since 1p/19q codeletion is tightly linked to oligodendroglial lineage,and IDH1 mutations are restricted to grade II/III gliomas,while not to primary GBM. BRAF fusion is a good marker for pilocytic astrocytoma. High-throughput profiling techniques for gene expression and epigenetic modification have provided new subtype classifications for GBM as well as lower grade gliomas,which may be of prognostic and predictive values. Efforts to identify molecular markers that predict the benefits of novel molecularly targeted treatments will enable better patient stratification and individualization of treatment.
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