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体外衝撃波砕石術後のストーンストリート(stone street)の対策を長径2cmを越える結石32例で検討した.ストーンストリートの形成部位は下部尿管が最も多かった.上部尿管のストーンストリートは下端結石の長径が大きく,体外衝撃波砕石術の追加が有効と思われた.ストーンストリートの長さは結石長短径の積の総和と相関し,また長さに比例して急性腎盂腎炎の頻度が増加した.ステント留置群は非留置群に比べて結石サイズが有意に大きいが,ストーンストリートの長さには差はなかった.結石の長短径の積の総和が1000mm2)以上の大結石には体外衝撃波砕石術前にステントを留置し,6cm以上のストーンストリートには体外衝撃波砕石術の追加や早期の手術療法が必要と考えられた.
Stone streets following ESWL were investigated in 32 patients who had urolithiasis more than 2 cm in major axis. The most and second frequent sites of stone streets were lower and upper third of ureter respectively. The stone streets located in the upper third of the ureter mostly had large fragments on the lower end of the street, so it was suggested that additional ESWL on those fragments may be effective. The length of stone streets and the sum of products of major and minor axis of the stones were correlated to each other. The frequency of pyelonephritis was increased according to the length of stone streets.
Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.