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1987年2月より1990年1月までに,上部尿路結石症300例(250腎,84尿管)に対して,EDAP LT−01を用いて体外衝撃波砕石術を施行した.硬膜外麻酔を要した数例を除いて原則として無麻酔とし,衝撃波発射頻度は毎秒5〜10で,1回の平均治療時間は41分であった.治療後1ヵ月における250腎結石の臨床有効率は97.2%,84尿管結石の臨床有効率は88.3%であった.平均治療回数は腎結石で3.2回,尿管結石で2.5回であった.70例は外来通院にて治療を行ったが,本装置による結石破砕術は,将来外来治療が主流になると思われた.
Between February 1987 and January 1990, 300 cases with upper urinary tract stones were treated with extracorporeal piezoelectric lithotripsy. These cases consist of 250 renal units and 84 ureteral units. The procedure was generally performed without any anesthsia, but epidural anesthesia was necessary in 15 cases. The frequency of shock wave was 5 to 10 per second and mean duration of treatment was 41 minutes. Of the 250 renal stones reviewed at 1 month, 243 (97.2%) had successful results. Of the 84 ureteral stones, 72 in the upper ureter and 12 in the lower ureter. 70 (88.3%) cases were successful.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.