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76歳男性.既往は高血圧,前立腺肥大症のみで手術歴はなく,前医での腹部超音波検査で膀胱腫瘍が疑われて当科初診となった.膀胱鏡検査にて膀胱頸部腹側に径8mm有茎性乳頭状腫瘍を認め,経尿道的膀胱腫瘍切除術を施行をした.病理組織診断では,悪性所見を認めず膀胱nephrogenic adenomaと診断された.膀胱nephrogenic adenomaは比較的まれな疾患であり,本症例は本邦77例目であった.術後8か月の経過で再発は認めていない.
A 76-year-old man with no symptoms was found to have a single papillary tumor in the bladder neck detected by ultrasonography during medical examinations. Transurethral resection of the bladder tumor was performed. Pathological diagnosis of the specimen indicated a nephrogenic adenoma of the bladder. Nephrogenic adenomas are relatively rare benign tumors of the urinary tract, suspected to originate from the metaplastic transformation of the urothelium in response to chronic stimulation such as urinary tract infection and surgical trauma. In total, 77 cases of nephrogenic adenoma of the bladder, including own case, have been reported in the Japanese literature to date. We have reviewed 77 cases and discussed the clinical feature of nephrogenic bladder adenoma (Rinsho Hinyokika 70 : 1045-1048, 2016).

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