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Angiokeratomaに関してはMibelli (1889)11)の記載にはじまりFordyce (1896)5)及びFabry(1898)4)が夫々Angiokeratoma scroti(For-dyce)及びAngiokeratoma corporis diffusumuniversale(Fabry)を報告している。しかしながら本症は前記3者とはやや趣を異にした疾患でFabry(1915)3)により記載されたもので大抵は生れつきに,又遅くとも思春期頃までに主として下肢に偏側性に血管腫様の紅斑又は暗赤色斑が出現し,時の経過とともに,一部は(小)結節様となり,疣贅様の外観を呈する,皮膚面より隆起した暗赤色の出血し易い病変を主体とする疾患である。Fabry(1915)3)以後も本症は記載されることは少いのであるが,それは単なるHaemangiomaの異型として片付けられているためであるのかも知れない。本邦に於ても報告例は少く伊藤8),二見6),岩間9),等の報告が見られる。
A 33-year-old man has noted a diffuse painful swelling of the right lower leg accompanied with small tumors without subjective sensations since his childfood.
On his first visit, severe deformity and swelling of the right lower leg was proved, which was accompanied with several been-sized, sharply circumscribed, domeshaped, hyperkeratotic tumors surrounded by darkbrown, upto azuki-sized tumors.
Histologic specimen revealed hyperkeratosis and acanthosis of the epidermis, and prolifera-tion of mature blood vessels filled with blood corpuscles from just beneath the epidermis to deep in the dermis.
Angiogram of the leg showed dilated and winding veins, some of which had communica-tions with the blood vessels of the skin tumors. Results of laboratory tests were neither contributory, nor was the serum level of phosphatase abnormal.

Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.