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(R1-7PM−11) 翼状片術後の138症例167眼に対するトラニラスト点眼後の再発を検討した。術後全員に抗生物質・消炎鎮痛薬を1週間内服投与し,抗生物質・ステロイド薬点眼を1か月投与した。62症例76眼はアルキル化剤を追加点眼し(1群),25症例30眼はトラニラストを追加点眼し(2群),51症例61眼(再手術5眼)はアルキル化剤・トラニラストを追加点眼した(3群)。1群は5症例5眼に再発(再発率7%),2群は7症例12眼に再発(再発率40%),3群は2症例2眼に再発(再発率3%)を認めた。トラニラストは単独投与では再発予防効果がアルキル化剤に比べて弱いが,アルキル化剤と併用することで.より再発予防効果が得られることを確認した。
We performed surgery on 167 eyes in 138 patients of pterygium. One group of 76 eyes received alkylating eyedrops, peroral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory analgesics for one week after surgery followed by topical antibiotics and corticosteroid for another month. The second group of 30 eyes was treated similarly but tranilast was given as substitute of alkylating eyedrops. The third group of 61 eyes received both tranilast and alkylating eyedrops. Pterygium recurred in 7% in the first group, 40 in the second and 3% in the third. The finding show that topical tranilast is ineffective in preventing recurrence and that additional use of alkylating agent prevents recurrence following pterygium surgery.
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