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(展示187) 48歳男性のTolosa-Hunt症候群に高眼圧を合併した1例を経験した。初診時矯正視力は右眼1.0,左眼0.9。眼圧は右眼40mmHg,左眼16mmHgと右眼に高眼圧があった。右眼には,眼球突出と球結膜の充血・浮腫があり,全方向の眼球運動障害を示した。中間透光体,眼底には異常なく,左眼も異常なかった。MRIで右海綿静脈洞内から上眼窩裂に及ぶ肉芽腫様の腫瘤形成があり,高眼圧は,右海綿静脈洞の病巣により,眼静脈のうっ帯が起こったためと思われた。副腎皮質ステロイド剤の大量投与により病巣の縮小とともに,眼球運動障害,眼球突出などの眼症状は改善し,眼圧も低下した。
A 48-year-old male presented with diplopia and lid swelling in the right eye. The intraocular pressure was 40 mmHg right and 16 mmHg left. The right eye showed exophthalmos, conjunctival injection and chemosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a granulomatous mass extending from the right cavernous sinus to upper orbital fissure. Ocular hypertension appeared to have been caused by stagnation of the ophthalmic vein secondary to the granulomatous mass. He was diagnosed as Tolosa-Hunt syndrome. Treatment with high dosis of systemic corticosteroid was followed by improvement of MRI findings and disappearance of exophthalmos, restricted ocular motility and ocular hypertension.
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