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ECCE+後房レンズ挿入術を20眼に施行し,残留皮質の吸引,粘弾性物質の除去にSim-coe IA cannulaによる手動吸引を用い良好な結果を得た。Simcoe IA cannulaはその形状が平坦で灌流液のもれが少ないため,前置縫合糸が少数ですみ,またすべての創口から前房内へ挿入可能なため,12時方向の残留皮質吸引が容易かつ安全であるなどの利点があり,術中の灌流液使用量も平均60m1と少量であった.術後3か月の角膜内皮細胞減少率は平均8.7%であった。粘弾性物質の除去は後置縫合終了後に施行し,前房の一定深度の保持が容易で完全な除去が可能なため,術後早期の眼圧上昇例が認められなかった。SimcoeIA cannulaは,白内障手術にも用いやすいなど有用な器具と考えられた。
Efficiency of Simcoe IA (irrigation-aspiration) cannula to remove the remained lens cortex and sodium hyaruronate was evaluated in the cataract surgery of twenty eyes without ocular complica-tion. Simcoe IA cannula was easy and facilitated cortex aspiration remained at 12 o' clock with only a few preplaced suture. No acute rise in intraocular pressure occurred following operation The endoth-elial cell loss averaged 8.7% at three months after-surgery. A corrected postoperative visual acuity of 0.6 or more was obtained in all the eyes. These results suggest that Simcoe IA cannula had certain advantages as compared to the IA cannula belong-ing to conventional automated IA.

Copyright © 1991, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.