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テスト視標を動かす代わりに,被検者の眼球を動かすことにより行う視野検査法であるoculokinetic perimetry (OKP)の緑内障視野検査用に作られたチャート(緑内障スクリーナー)を使用し,緑内障患者19名25眼で検査を行い,すべてに視野異常が検出された。このチャートは安価,小型でハンディー,簡単,短時間での測定,長時間の一点固視よりの解放,特別な技術は不必要で,いつでもどこでも,自分で測定が可能と種々な長所を備えており,今後は緑内障視野スクリーニングに役立つ検査法として期待できる。
We evaluated the central visual field within 15degrees from the point of fixation in 25 eyes with glaucomatous visual field defect. We employed a new oculokinetic perimetry in which the patient is asked to fixate, sequentially, on an array of num-bers in the test area and to tell the visibility of the centrally located target.
In all the eyes, findings with the present method were identical to conventional visual field tests by static Goldmann perimeter and kinetic Humphrey automated perimeter. The current method is in-expensive, easy to perform and is portable.It isadvocated as a screening procedure for visual fielddisorders in glaucoma.

Copyright © 1991, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.