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We evaluated the clinical characteristics of 50 eyes with subretinal hematoma as manifestation of senile disciform macular degeneration. Prodromal symptoms were noted in 26% of the cases. In the remaining 74%, sudden visual loss developed with-out prodroms.
Subretinal and subpigrnent epithelial hematomas were large in size confined beyond the vascular arcades in 40% of the cases. The subretinal hematoma resolved within 6 months in 72%. Re-bleeding occurred in 20%. Vitreous hemorrhage developed during the course of the disease in 30% in the series.
After resorption of subretinal hemorrhage, ator-phic degenerations of the retinal pigment epith-elium without fibrosis resulted in 63% and with slight fibrotic scar in 35%.
We performed vitrectomy for 8% of the cases and laser photocoagulation in 74%. Improvement in visual acuity and fundus findings resulted in 60% of the cases.
The present findings indicate that subretinal hematoma is a unique group among senile discifor-m macular degenerations, characterized by acute onset and generally favorable clinical outcome.

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