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(P−1-141) 標的黄斑症における黄斑部機能評価を複数の検査法にて行った。中心視力が良好な3例6眼に対し,ハンフリー視野(HP)中心30度および10度,多局所網膜電図(m-ERG),走査レーザー検眼鏡による微小視野計測(SLO microperimetry)を行い,眼底所見との対応を比較検討した。いずれも検眼鏡的には中心窩領域に正常な網膜が残っており,HP10度では2例で,SLO microperimetryでは全例で中心に島状に感度良好な領域を認めた。m-ERGでは眼底所見上の病巣部で非病巣部に比して振幅の低下と潜時の延長を認めた。またHP30度、SLO microperimetry,m-ERGの結果から,眼底所見より広い範囲での機能障害の存在が推定された。
We evaluated the macular function in 6 eyes of 3 patients with bull's eye maculopathy. The patients were aged 31, 60 and 60 years respectively. The macula in each eye showed an annular depigmented area surrounding normal-looking fovea. The central area showed good sensitivity by microperimetry using a scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO) in 6 eyes and by Humphrey perimetry within 10 degrees in 4 eyes. Multifocal electroretinogram (m-ERG) showed lower amplitude and delayed latency in the depigmented annular area than in the surrounding normal-looking area. Presence of impaired function involving a wider normal-looking retina was detected in all the 6 eyes by SLO microperimetry, m-ERG and Humphrey perimetry within 30 degrees.
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