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2)また14眼瞼中13眼瞼に瞼板前脂肪を認め,14眼強中8眼瞼でfibroadipose trssueが合流部より 下降していた。
3)上眼瞼下部にみられるという眼窩脂肪のヘルニア状形成は,瞼板前脂肪やfibroadipose tissueと混 同したか,鼻側に偏位した矢状断面の組織像をみて判断したものと思われる。
We examined the upper eyelid in 14 eyes of 7 Japanese using the magnetic resonance imaging, MRI. The series included 5 males and 2 females from the second to seventh decade of age. The site of confluence of the orbital septum to the aponeurosis of the levator muscle was located at or superior to the tarsal edge in all the eyes. Pretarsal adipose tissue was present in 13 eyes. The fibroadipose tissue extended from the above confluence in 8 eyes. The so-called herniation of the orbital fat near the palpebral margin of the upper eyelid appeared to be due to faulty appraisal of the pretarsal fat or the fibroadipose tissue. Nasal deviation of the sagittal section would also have led to this interpretation.

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