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要約 目的:極早期の緑内障において,潜在している緑内障を顕在化することは,治療の開始や継続を促すうえで重要であり,そのためには静的視野検査の新たな方法が必要である。そこで今回,前視野緑内障の症例に対して,光干渉断層計(OCT)の網膜神経節細胞複合体(GCC)の検査結果を用いた眼底対応視野検査を施行して,その有用性を検討した。
対象と方法:2021年7月〜2022年2月の間にそうだ眼科を受診し,前視野緑内障と診断した症例26例35眼(男性21眼,女性14眼)で,年齢は65.2±12.1歳を対象とした。固視不良,偽陽性,偽陰性,視力0.7未満,角膜混濁,網膜疾患,内眼手術歴がある症例は除外とした。ニデックOCT RS-3000でGCC検査を行い,検査結果をコーワ視野計AP-7700に取り込み,眼底対応視野検査を施行した。
Abstract Purpose:Identifying latent glaucoma at a very early stage is essential to ensure the initiation and continuation of the treatment. In order to achieve this, new static perimetry test are necessary. In the present study, we conducted fundus-oriented perimetry using ganglion cell complex(GCC)scan of an optical coherence tomography(OCT)on patients with preperimetric glaucoma to investigate the potential advantage of the perimetry.
Subjects and Methods:This study included 26 patients(21 eyes in males and 14 eyes in females, 35 eyes in total)diagnosed with preperimetric glaucoma at this institution between July 2021 and February 2022. The mean age was 65.2±12.1 years. The exclusion criteria were poor visual fixation, false positive or negative, visual acuity below 0.7, corneal opacity, retinal disease, and history of internal ocular surgery. GCC scans were taken with a Nidek OCTRS3000, and the results were imported into a Kowa automatic perimeter AP7700 before fundus-oriented perimetry was conducted.
Results:In 21 of 35 eyes, fundus-oriented perimetry detected abnormalities where none were detected using static perimetry(24-2).
Conclusion:Fundus-oriented perimetry using a GCC scan of OCT detected dysfunction due to glaucoma in 21 out of 35 eyes(60%)with preperimetric glaucoma. This indicates that fundus-oriented perimetry using GCC scan of OCT effectively detects dysfunction in patients with very early-stage glaucoma.

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