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Four cases of peripapillary retinoschisis associated with glaucomatous eyes with rapid visual field abnormality progression Hideo Tate 1 , Saya Umemoto 1 , Chisato Ohtaki 1 , Akari Aoyagi 1 , Yoshiki Ueta 1 1Shinseikai Toyama Hospital Eye Center pp.870-878
Published Date 2023/7/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214850
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Abstract Purpose:Peripapillary retinoschisis(PRS), which is a complication of glaucoma, is thought to be caused by structural abnormalities and fragility in the papillary area. In this report, we describe four cases of rapid visual field progression after the onset of PRS.

Cases:Four patients with PRS in one eye who were receiving eye drops for glaucoma in our hospital were found to have PRS in the other eye. The mean age was 63 years, the mean refraction was −0.37 D, the mean axial length was 24.2 mm, the mean observation period after the onset of PRS was 33.5 months, and visual acuity was 1.0 or better. The mean IOP before, at, and after the onset of PRS was 12.4 mmHg, 13.2 mmHg, and 12.7 mmHg, respectively The visual field results before and at the last visit after the onset of PRS showed that the mean MD, PSD, VFI, and upper half TD corresponding to the lesion side were −4.41 dB, 7.82 dB, 90.7%, and −3.31 dB, and −6.07 dB, 10.05 dB, 76.0%, and −9.15 dB respecctively, indicating visual field progression in all patients. The mean PSD slope before the onset of PRS was 0.66 dB, and after the oneset of PRS was 2.25 dB, suggesting regional visual field progression all patients had central visual field progression. However, there was no visual field progression in the bilateral eyes during the same period of time.

Discussion:There are cases of PRS associated with glaucomatous eyes that clearly show visual field progression. In particular, when PRS occurs in the papillomacular bundle, there are cases of central visual field progression, and it is necessary to consider an early treatment approach.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


