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要約 目的:両眼性に脈絡膜皺襞を認め,遠視化を伴った1例を報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of bilateral acquired hyperopia accompanying choroidal folds.
Case:A 61-year-old man consulted a private clinic because of sudden onset, spontaneous resolution of myopia in his both eyes.
Findings and Clinical Course:In the both eyes, choroidal folds running horizontally at the posterior pole were observed. CT and MRI, which were performed in another hospital, showed neither inflammatory nor space-occupying lesion in the orbital, paranasal, and intracranial cavities. Then he was presented to our hospital for further examination. Visual acuity was 0.9(1.2)in his right eye and 1.0(1.5)in his left eye. The equivalent spherical error was+0.25D and−0.5D and the axial length was 22.8 mm and 23.2 mm, respectively. B-mode showed flattening of the posterior part of an eye ball in both eyes. Mild hyperfluorescence was observed, reflecting choroidal folds. Angioid streaks-like hypofluorescence, along which patchy pattern abnormal fundus hyper-autofluorescence, was seen. Intracranial pressure was not measured due to the patient's request.
Conclusion:Previous reports showed some cases of acquired hyperopia with idiopathic choroidal folds, which were considered benign. Nevertheless, careful observation should be continued due to unknown mechanism underlying.

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