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要約 目的:単焦点眼内レンズ(IOL)(VivinexTMモデルXY1:HOYA社)(XY1)と,同材料のトーリックIOL(VivinexTMトーリック,治験機器名称SP2Y-TC,XY1AT3-7:HOYA社)(XY1AT)の視力補正および乱視低減に対する有効性と安全性を評価する臨床試験を行った。
対象と方法:対象は本臨床試験に同意し,術後正視目標の白内障15例20眼(平均年齢73.7歳)で,術前平均角膜乱視は1.74Dであった。IOLはXY1ATを用い,本試験では各モデル2眼以上挿入とした。モデル選択はHOYA Toric Calculator v3.1 を使用し,CALLISTO eye®(Carl Zeiss社)で乱視軸を合わせた。主要評価項目は術後3か月の遠方裸眼視力0.8以上の割合,副次評価項目(抜粋)は裸眼および矯正視力,残余乱視,軸回転量,患者満足度,眼鏡装用状況であった。
Abstract Purpose:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of monofocal toric intraocular lens(IOL)(VivinexTM Toric, XY1AT3-7:HOYA)which has the same material as monofocal IOL(XY1:HOYA).
Methods:This clinical trial was made on 20 eyes of 15 cataract patients with corneal astigmatisms. The age averaged 73.7 years. The corneal astigmatism averaged 1.74D. XY1AT was implanted with the target refraction of emmetropia and the model was selected using HOYA toric calculator. Uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity(UCDVA/CDVA), residual astigmatisms, axis rotation, patient satisfaction, and the rates of spectacle usage were evaluated for 3 months postoperatively.
Results:The mean logMAR UCDVA and CDVA were −0.02±0.08 and −0.13±0.06, All the eyes achieved decimal VA of 0.8 or better. The mean residual astigmatism was 0.53±0.35D and the mean axis rotation was 4.9±3.1 degrees 3 months postoperatively. From the questionnaire, 60% of the patients answered very satisfied and 40% answered satisfied. The use of eyeglasses for distance decreased from preoperative 70% to 5%.
Conclusion:XY1AT3-7 was effective and safe for cataract eyes with corneal astigmatisms.

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