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要約 目的:滲出型加齢黄斑変性(AMD)の治療経過において,半年以内の滲出性変化再発の有無による光干渉断層血管撮影(OCTA)所見の違いを検討する。
方法:富山大学附属病院にて滲出型AMDの診断のもと抗血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF)薬治療を行い,維持期の硝子体注射後にOCTで滲出性変化が消失し,OCTAで脈絡膜新生血管(CNV)が検出された29例29眼(典型AMD 22眼,ポリープ状脈絡膜血管症6眼,網膜血管腫状増殖1眼)を対象とした。滲出性変化の消失後,半年以内に滲出性変化が再発した群は10眼,再発しなかった群は19眼であった。OCTA所見よりCNVの形態,分枝,吻合・ループ,末端部,病巣周囲のhaloの有無をスコアリングし,3項目以上該当するかで分け,再発の有無とスコアとの関連性を評価した。
Abstract Purpose:To report findings by optical coherence tomographic angiography(OCTA)in treated eyes of age-related macuar degeneration(AMD)with or without recurrence.
Cases and Method:This study was made on 29 eyes of 29 cases of AMD who were treated by intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF preparations. The series comprised 25 males and 4 females. Typical AMD was present in 22 eyes, polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy in 6 eyes, and retinal angiomatous proliferation in one eye. They were followed up for 6 months using OCTA. The findings and rate of recurrence were evaluated regarding parameters for the shape of CNV, branching, anastomosis and loop formation, shape of terminal vessels, and halo around the lesion.
Findings:AMD recurred in 10 out of 29 eyes within 6 months of treatment. Four out of these 10 eyes showed more than 3 points of parameters. None of the 19 eyes that showed no recurrence was scored 3 points or more. The score was thus significantly correlated with the recurrence(p=0.009). Branching of CNV, anastomosis or looping, morphology of the terminal vessels, decreased halo around the lesion were significantly correlated with recurrence of AMD(p<0.05).
Conclusion:OCTA showed characteristic findings of recurrence of AMD within 6 months of treatment.

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