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要約 目的:初期には軽傷と診断されたが,複視の出現に伴い重症化したマムシ咬傷の1例の報告。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of viper bite exacerbated with development of diplopia despite being diagnosed with minor injury in early phase.
Case:A 55-year-old man was bitten in the left foot by Gloydius blomhoffii and hospitalized. He was diagnosed with minor injury and discharged on day 2 after injury but his left leg swelled a lot and developed diplopia after discharge. He had examinations at the ophthalmological clinic and was referred to our hospital.
Findings:The bite site was near the left lateral malleolus. Left leg swelled a lot beyond groin. Medial rectus paresis in right eye and inferior rectus paresis in the left eye were affected. No fatal complications arose and the symptoms were gradually getting better. On day 23, no ocular motility disorder remained.
Conclusion:Ophthalmic complications with viper bite are important to predict advancing in severity.

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