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症例 は20歳女性.糖尿病罹病歴3年.血糖コントロール不良で,しばしば低血糖やketoacidosisを繰り返していた.眼科初診時,軽度の後嚢下白内障がみられたが,検眼鏡的に網膜症は認められなかった.しかし螢光眼底撮影にて,後極部を主体とした網膜毛細血管の多巣性透過性亢進像が認められた.その透過性異常は増悪傾向をきたし,視力が低下したため,片眼のみに網膜光凝固を施行した.約6カ月後に血糖コントロールが良好になると,毛細血管の透過性異常は両眼とも軽快しはじめた.
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus was detected in a 20-year-old female 3 years before. The glucose control has been poor, with occasional ketoacidosis or hypoglycemia. She has been under more rigoroustherapeutic regimen for the past 5 months.
Fluorescein fundus angiography showed, bilater-ally, capillary dilatation and multiple areas of hyperpermeability in retinal areas where radially peripapillary capillareis are distributed. As the visual acuity in the left eye decreased to 20/30 2 months later, we treated the eye with panretinal photocoagulation. Three months, later, retinal edema subsided spontaneously. The visual acuity in the left eye improved to 20/20. It appeared that such transient, though pronounced, capillary hyperper-meability of the retina may have been caused by variable changes in the plasma glucose level.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(7) : 883-887, 1988

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