

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Diagnosis of malignant choroidal melanoma by stamp fluorescence and 5-S-cysteinyldopa methods Masaaki Yao 1 , Hiroyuki Shimada 1 , Mizuo Matsui 1 , Noriyasu Nagashima 2 , Shigeru Hanawa 2 1Dept. of Ophthalmol, Nihon Univ, Sch of Med 2Dept of Dermatol, Nihon Univ, Sch of Med pp.173-178
Published Date 1987/2/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410209950
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A new diagnostic method for malignant melanoma is described. It consists of two parts : stamp fluorescence method and quantitative determination of 5-S-cysteinyl-dopa (5-S-CD). Each method usually takes 30 minutes. Choroidal melanoma cells emit intenst specific fluores-cence, while pigmented nevus cells and pigment basal epithelioma cells emit weak or no fluorescence. The specific fluorescence emitted by melanotic melanoma cells is mainly due to the presence of 5-S-CD.

We applied this method to a 53-year-old male, who manifested a mushroom-shaped brown tumor in the temporal sector in his right fundus. The tumor mea-sured 15 × 15 × 12 mm. It proved, histologically, to have ruptured the Bruch's membrane to invade the inner retina. It was diagnosed, histopathologically, as mixed-type malignant melanoma of the choroid, composed spindle A, spindle B and epithelioid cells. The amount of 5-S-CD in the melanoma tissue was 87 ng/mg, while the amount of 5-S-CD the pigmented nevus and pigmented basal epithelioma tissues varied from 1.3 to 37.9 ng/mg.

These results indicate that the stampt fluorescence and quantitative determination of 5-S-CD are useful methods for rapid diagnosis. They promise to be of value in needle biopsy of intraocular melanoma as well as biopsy of extraocular melanoma prior to surgical treatment.

Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 41(2) : 173-178, 1987

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


