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糖尿病患者88例164眼について硝子体の観察とvitreous fluorophotometry (VF)値を測定し,また正常眼31例57眼および片眼性網膜剥離患者の反対眼で後部硝子体剥離(PVD)を有する14例14眼のVF値を対照として検討し次の結果を得た.(1)正常眼および網膜剥離反対眼,糖尿病眼の各平均年齢はほぼ同様で,これらの平均VF値を比較すると正常眼に比し,反対眼,またScott 0-IIIa期の糖尿病眼ともに有意の高値を示した.また網膜剥離反対眼のPVDを有するものよりScott IIIa期の糖尿病眼ではより高値の傾向を認めた.(2)糖尿病眼を病期別にPVDの有無より検討するとScott 0期,Ia期ではPVDを有するものが有意に高いVF値を示すが,Scott IIおよびIIIa期ではPVDとの相関はみられなかった.(3)以上の結果より糖尿病患者のVF値は網膜症を認めない時期や単純型網膜症の初期では硝子体の状態すなわちPVDの有無に影響されやすいが,網膜症の進行に伴いPVDのVF値への関与は減少すると考える.
We assessed a series of 88 diabetic subjects (164 eyes) by means of funduscopy, Goldmann three-mirror lens and vitreous fluorophotometry (VF). We also evaluat-ed 57 normal eyes and 14 eyes with retinal detachment in the fellow eye. The VF values were significantly higher in diabetics and fellow eyes of those with retinal detachment than in normals. In diabetic eyes with absent or minimum retinopathy (stages 0 to Ia after Scott), eyes with posterior vitreous detachment manifested higher VF values than in those without. This difference disappeared in eyes with more advanced simple retinopathy (stage II to IIIa after Scott). findings indicate that the presence or absence of poste-rior vitreous detachment is one of the influential factors for vitreous fluorometric readings in earlier stages of diabetic retinopathy.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(5) : 494-497, 1986

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.